Possible New Filming Location in Cuba

Hemingway's livingroom
Vigia Finca, Cuba. Hemingway’s Living Room, 60 feet long.

One Stateside filmmaker who recently took advantage of Cuba’s retro look is Bob Yari, who spent a month shooting his Ernest Hemingway biopic “Papa” entirely on location in and near Havana in March and April of 2014.

Cuban Jazz
Cuban Jazz
I’m a Cuban Pug
The old man and the sea
written in Cuba about Cuba
Close up
A Pensive Hemingway

Now that Cuba has opened a bit, more opportunities for on location filming is possible. The new biopic about Hem’s declining years was just filmed and it sounds like the producer was able to use the actual Cuban locations. However, more of this should be possible in the future.

And we all have regrets . . . .

I wanted to do For Whom the Bell Tolls

The great Luise Rainer, first winner of back to back Oscars, apparently wanted to play Maria badly. She didn’t know Hemingway and the studio had its eye on a young Ingrid Bergman, fresh off of her Casablanca triumph.  David O., Selznick took Ingrid to meet Hemingway and he adored her. Luise just passed away but read about her regret.