10 thoughts on “Orson Welles talking about Hemingway: Very fun and interesting.”

  1. It is true that he did not write humorous books. Hemingway’s humor was dry and usually satiric. The buddy banter of the fishing trip prior to the fiesta in The Sun Also Rises is classic Hemingway amusement. The Old Lady he invented as a foil in Death in the Afternoon he used to lightened the depths of the narrative. Several short stories include humorous phrasing or moments. Hemingway remarked on the (usually missed) humor in “The Light of the World”, and several other Nick Adams stories reflect his occasional light-hearted spirit. “Banal Story”, ‘Today is Friday”, “The Gambler, the Nun, and the Radio” and of course, “A Natural History of the Dead” also reflect his satiric wit. Not to mention parts of A Moveable Feast.

    There are many other examples, but I recommend the funny, laugh out loud bar scenes in the “Bimini” section of Islands in the Stream, before a conclusive judgement is rendered upon the presence of humor within Hemingway’s bibliography. It will be interesting to see what (if any) correspondence exists between Hem and Orson when Penn State publishes Ernest’s letters from that period – possibly in the next volume of Hemingway’s Complete Letters.

    I enjoy your posts immensely, Christine. Happy Holidays !

    1. hey Timothy,
      After reading your comment, I see what you mean about Hem’s satirical voice indicating he had a well-developed sense of humor. Even in the ways he described Francis Macomber in that s. story are pretty funny (even tho he was roasting F. Scott, who I like more as a writer. ) Also the ways he’d describe women’s emotions and behavior in general was SO BITING but pretty funny in a certain way. you’re so smart!!

  2. I haven’t seen this clip in about 10 years! Thanks for posting – definitely forgot it existed. Omg I’m pretty sure Ernest H. tried to punch literally everyone he met ?

    Thanks for this. I’m actually in CT too. cool blogggg – Molly from Middletown

  3. Thank you so interesting watching this vedio congratulations on finding it. I really enjoyed the comments of your follower above
    Timothy Street… he has inspired me to read more of Ernest Hemingways works. Also like Timothy I enjoy your posts.
    Best wishes for the holidays

  4. Very enjoyable, thank you.
    As with the above comments I’m inspired to read more Ernest.
    May 2021 be a better year for all.
    Best wishes.

    1. Thank you, Angela! Thank you for reading and enjoying HEmingway! Happy holidays and new year. Best, Christine

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