Christine Whitehead, Blog: The Blog Also Rises
I get my best ideas in the barn as I groom my horse, Nifty. The dogs keep a careful distance as I lift a hoof, scrape it out, then move on to the next one. The repetition soothes me. I begin to dream about women like me, women on the edge, restless women who still want to trust that there is love out there, and that being sentimental is not always contemptible, and that good men are not so hard to find if you keep slogging along, seeking a melody to fit your words. So that’s who and what I write about: restless women searching. Please slog along with me.

I am a lawyer and writer working in Hartford, Ct. Hemingway’s connection to CT is tenuous but he did have a brief stay at the renowned psychiatric hospital, The Institute of Living, shortly before his death. I love Hemingway’s writing and find him to be fascinating and complex. I hope you find some fun on this blog and perhaps a bit of knowledge.
My third novel, Hemingway’s Daughter, is out and doing well. Please consider it. I has been endorsed by Mariel Hemingway.
Please keep reading! Love, Christine

First novel: